
A Start is a start no matter when

So, it didn't exactly start as planned. The 1st week of the New Year, my youngest was fighting a horrible case of strep. Thankfully it wasn't the flu that seemingly has affected every family in our Parish! So there were no workouts, but there was good eating (even on New Years Day when at the in-laws for a football party!). Then I get a phone call about lunch from my husband. "Do you want to go see Katy Perry in NOLA for free with a free hotel?" So there went my good week. And my dry January 6 days into it. And ALLLLLL the money, lol. So boo. But, the concert was awesome. Now it's week 2 into January and I've "started again." But this isn't a race and it's a lifetime commitment. Sometimes it's ok to let loose and let go. Preferably not at the beginning, but my husband and I hadn't had a night out like that since before the youngest was born. He'll be 5 in April. My meal planning this week was a little (lot) shoddy. I generally
Why am I starting a blog about my weight loss journey half a month before I plan to start, you ask? Good question.  Let's just say, I know myself and I know my willpower and starting a healthy lifestyle at Christmas is just not a go for me. Even though my pants are too tight. And I'm at the highest weight I've ever been when not pregnant and that was when I stepped on the scale 3 weeks ago. Before the pants became uncomfortably tight. What a terrible excuse, I know. I also know I have a party or gathering every weekend from now through December 31st. So I will be eating all the food and drinking all the drinks.  As one of my resolutions is to cut out alcohol aside from special occasions (ie, my birthday in March, my friend's wedding in April), forgive me if I overindulge before cutting cold turkey.  That's largely how I gained all my weight plus 20 lbs back. In 2015, I lost 25 lbs. I was working out everyday at lunch and eating really well with the occasional indu